To His Excellency François Hollande, President of the French Republic, co-prince of Andorra, and to Monsieur Jean-Yves LeDrian, minister of Defence.


To His Excellency François Hollande, President of the French Republic, co-prince of Andorra, and to Monsieur Jean-Yves LeDrian, minister of Defence.

14th of July 2013


         We have previously written to your predecessors concerning the national work of the Cornflower of France, which collects funds to aid our veterans, war widows, wards of the nation, victims of war and terrorism and the families of military or of police personnel killed in the line of duty. In consequence, on the 11th of November 2011, the national football team of France wore the Cornflower for their match against that of the United States of America, while posters for a new campaign to raise awareness – « Let us aid those who are left behind » – bloomed in the stations of the Paris underground rail network.

The Cornflower, which is a symbol of remembrance and of solidarity toward the beneficiaries of donations to it, and also for all those who have died for France, suffers nonetheless from insufficient publicity for its welfare work, and from a lack of people from the next generation to continue the efforts of its supporters

Thus, we ask you to ensure the participation of ministers, schools and associations in collecting funds, and we renew our request of the presidency of the Republic, that at least every 8th of May and 11th of November, the Cornflower be worn by every elected representative, every representative of the authority of the State, as well as by all our athletes, military personnel, police and civil servants

In order that the collection of funds be systematic, and in pursuance of the fight to give it the visibility that it deserves, we ask you therefore that all schools be invited by an official circular to collect for the Cornflower of France, and that France officially propose, in order to honour and aid all those who have fought for France, and moreover, their families, the adoption of the Cornflower as the symbol of remembrance and  solidarity of  the entire Francophonie.

Paul-Napoléon Calland                              Sébastien Nantz

President of the Bonapartist Movement. President of the Union of the French People.

A propos Mouvement Bonapartiste

JOURNAL OFFICIEL DE LA RÉPUBLIQUE FRANÇAISE 6 février 2010 1016 - * Déclaration à la préfecture de Meurthe-et-Moselle. MOUVEMENT BONAPARTISTE Objet : défendre, faire connaître et étendre les principes et valeurs du Bonapartisme. Il s’appuie sur l’adhésion populaire à une politique de redressement conjuguant les efforts des particuliers, associations et services de l’État. Le mouvement défend les principes bonapartistes sur lesquels il est fondé, et qui régissent son fonctionnement intérieur. Il défend également la mémoire de Napoléon le Grand, ainsi que celle de Napoléon III et de leurs fils, Napoléon II et Napoléon IV. Il reconnait Napoléon IV comme ayant régné sans avoir gouverné, en vertu du plébiscite de mai 1870. Le mouvement ne reconnait pas d’empereur après 1879, en vertu de l’absence de plébiscite. Républicain, il privilégie le bonheur, les intérêts et la gloire des peuples, et n’envisage de rétablissement de l’Empire que si les fondements en sont républicains et le régime approuvé par voie référendaire.
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43 commentaires pour To His Excellency François Hollande, President of the French Republic, co-prince of Andorra, and to Monsieur Jean-Yves LeDrian, minister of Defence.

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