Indian Civil Code


« For the Honour of France, for the sacred interests of Humanity »
(Napoleon the Great, Saturday the 8th of March, 1800)

Professor Vijaya Kumar
President of the Napoleonic Society of Karnataka
Karnataka, Republic of India

Dear Sir,

I am writing to you to offer you the support of the movement that I have the honour to represent, concerning the project which aims to provide the people of India with the benefits of a Civil Code. As the representative of the Napoleonic Society of Karnataka, it is natural that you participate in the creation of a « Code Civil des Indiens« , and that the relations between France and India be strengthened by common laws and the promotion of science, culture, industry and agriculture.

90% of young Indians hope that their country will adopt a Civil Code, in order that all Indians may benefit from the same laws, whatever their religious convictions. The obstacle to the realisation of this noble aim is the need to satisfy the sensibilities of the different religions, in order to respect the spiritual needs and sensibilities of the main religious communities. I therefore ask that you collect the concerns and objections of the different parties and send them to me by post or by email.

For these reasons I request that you make contact with the judicial institutions concerned by the creation of a Civil Code of the Indians, in order to insist on the core values and principles that the new legal system will be required to meet. Equality of rights for all, liberty from corporations, freedom of worship, the solidarity of the family, fraternity between generations and between men and women. I earnestly encourage the jurists and legislators concerned to read the references quoted at the end of this letter and to draw inspiration from them in the interest of all, notably the the humblest and poorest of citizens. Contact with the members of the Lok Sabha, with representatives of both the legislature and of the judiciary is an essential element in promoting not only the memory of the Emperor, but also his legacy and the ideals that he represents to this day.

Defending the Napoleonic Idea is not only the best way to defend the Emperor’s memory and to promote his legacy, but above all the best way to defend a modern India capable of maintaining her cultures and identity and of building her future.


Paul-Napoleon Calland
President of the Bonapartist Movement


Memorial of Saint Helena :
– Tuesday 26 to Saturday 30 September 1815 (Egypt)
–  Tuesday 9 and Wednesday 10 April 1816 (Liberal ideas)
– Thursday 18 to Saturday 20 January 1816 (India)

Napoleon, by Vincent Cronin, particularly the Chapter « Rebuilding France ».

Inspirational Note – The name Napoleon means “Lion of the Desert”. (It is interesting to note that the Lion, also famous as an emblem representing justice, is one of India’s principal symbols, as a Buddhist emblem seen on important monuments, such as the pillars built by Ashoka).

A propos Mouvement Bonapartiste

JOURNAL OFFICIEL DE LA RÉPUBLIQUE FRANÇAISE 6 février 2010 1016 - * Déclaration à la préfecture de Meurthe-et-Moselle. MOUVEMENT BONAPARTISTE Objet : défendre, faire connaître et étendre les principes et valeurs du Bonapartisme. Il s’appuie sur l’adhésion populaire à une politique de redressement conjuguant les efforts des particuliers, associations et services de l’État. Le mouvement défend les principes bonapartistes sur lesquels il est fondé, et qui régissent son fonctionnement intérieur. Il défend également la mémoire de Napoléon le Grand, ainsi que celle de Napoléon III et de leurs fils, Napoléon II et Napoléon IV. Il reconnait Napoléon IV comme ayant régné sans avoir gouverné, en vertu du plébiscite de mai 1870. Le mouvement ne reconnait pas d’empereur après 1879, en vertu de l’absence de plébiscite. Républicain, il privilégie le bonheur, les intérêts et la gloire des peuples, et n’envisage de rétablissement de l’Empire que si les fondements en sont républicains et le régime approuvé par voie référendaire.
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